Group show
Scapes (online viewing room)
Tiago Baptista, Teresa Braula Reis, Rita Ferreira, João Ferro Martins, Maria Laet, Gabriela Machado, António Neves Nobre, Carlos Nogueira, Carlos Noronha Feio, Rosana Ricalde, Claire de Santa Coloma, Sam Smith, Nuno Sousa Vieira and Juan Tessi
Explore our newly installed storeroom under the guise SCAPES. A selection of works by our artists from their multidisplanarian practices which highlight compositions that reflect their unique approach, perspectives and universes. The virtual walk through can be enjoyed in the comfort of your choosing and pace as currently the works cannot be enjoyed physically due to COVID-19 lockdown.
Filmagem: Guilherme Proença | Som: Alon Peretz