Group show
Dear image, Part II
Tiago Baptista, Teresa Braula Reis, Inês Brites, Rita Ferreira, Evy Jokhova, António Neves Nobre, Claire de Santa Coloma, Sam Smith and Juan Tessi
3+1 Arte Contemporânea is very pleased to announce the group exhibitions Dear image, Part I & Part II, two part exhibitions including represented and invited artists.
The first exhibition presents works that employ language and text based works as vehicles for artistic expression. Whereas the second exhibition will focus on multidisciplinarian works which predominately bring into play the pictorial communications contrary to the first exhibition.
These two exhibitions are a response to our current realities and ways in which communicating through the power of language and image are an important means of expression in critical times of implemented isolation. In doing so, we aim to comment and further open conversations on the role of visuals tools and social intercourse.